This is a photograph I took on Saturday. We were just visiting the Suffolk Coast for 36 hours worth of `brain sweeping` R&R. They are beach huts...just beach huts.
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Click this.
Yes, £50, 000. Bloody hell, what were they thinking asking only £50k? You can buy most of South Detroit for $100,000
Yes, but South Detroit doesn't have the Town and Country Planning Act.
Love little semi-detached cottages. They'd make stunning council houses. All you'd have to do is pebble-dash them.
Well, you wouldn't have to spend entire days scrubbing the manse, now would you?
Looks like your $ per square foot is fast catching up to the Valley prices.
What are those 80 square?
They are kinda cute, though, if you like out-houses.
Blue: Poor old Detroit. I once drove down Michigan Avenue in a brand new Buick, built in the factory in Flint, by many more people than were really needed (Unions rule, ok).
Nickie G: What's dark and dull and hangs from a Sky TV satellite dish? A council house in Doncaster.
PG: An outhouse is extra. Did you see that there is also `ground rent` to be paid on these babies, too?
I confess I have never seen the attraction of a beach hut. I have my eye on a fantastic modern glass and steel seaside house which is shaped to look like the bow of a ship. The "front" windows on each floor are floor-to-ceiling. It's guaranteed to be underwater within fifty years but what the hey?!
Oi I live in a council flat! Snobs.
Blue: A good old art-deco era council block can be a thing of beauty. I saw some on Kirsty and Phil's prog and was impressed. I mentioned to Mrs HD that the last time I parked a car outside one of those, a TV landed on the bonnet just as I walked away, well it WAS a police car.
Mine is a 1950s thing. Very practical and well built, but not a thing of beauty on the outside.
Yours must have been a rich estate for them to have had tellies to spare!
Yep, I saw 'leasehold', around here that means that the land belongs to the Indian Band and the 'purchaser' is actually a renter, albeit a long-term renter.
Not a lotta bang for your buck.
Lease costs are payable to Waveney District Council. It is understood that the hut is in Band “A”. Currently £185 per annum plus VAT. This does not include national non-domestic rates.
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