For me, yesterday was not an anniversary.
At some moment, every day, I remember something about 9/11 and how it has re-shaped me and my world. I am not over it. I am in no frame of mind to forgive and I know I never will.
Some might argue that this nil-forgiveness diminishes my humanity somewhat but frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
Salaam, Shalom, Pax
"Some might argue that this nil-forgiveness diminishes my humanity somewhat..."
No-one who matters would ever say (or think) that, so why worry?
JuliaM: Ok, I'll stop. (Doesn't take much to snap me out ;)
Some things are not forgivable.
Cliche alert: think about what you have left, not what you have lost?
Blue: You are absolutely psychic. I thought I'd lost my bike keys, but I'd left them in the garage. Cheers! Another Broadside I owe you.
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